Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Place Value Help!

Today, I am posting examples and resources of place values.  Basically, when thinking about place values, you are looking at the individual digits of a number.  Place values include: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, etc.  For example, the number 76 has two digits, and each digit is a different place value.  The first digit, 7, is called the tens place.  The second digit, 6, is called the ones place.  Given another example, 5,671, the 5 is called the thousands place, the 6 is the hundreds place, the 7 is the tens place, and the 1 is the ones place.  When talking about money, for instance if you have $56.47, the 5 is the tens place, the 6 is the ones place, the 4 is the tenths place, and the 7 is the hundredths place.  It's easy to get confused because of the "ths" at the end when you have decimals involved, but just remember to add the "ths" if the digit is to the right of a decimal.  You should also remember that after the decimal point, you will have tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, and so on, versus with whole numbers, it starts with ones, then tens, then hundreds, etc.  Let's try one more example.  What place value is the 8 in the following number: 80,457.60?  The 8 is in the ten thousands place.  What about the place value for 6?  The 6 would be the tenths place.  Got it?  =)  If you need help or want more practice the following resources will definately help!  There are free place value worksheets at  There is also another worksheet with answers for practice with place values through thousands.  If you go to, click on find place value of a number under 4th grade math games, and this will be a fun way to practice more.  Last, but not least, if you go to, click place values under the 1st category called Number Sense.

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